Top Influencers to Follow for Fashionable Mom-Style Inspiration

Being a mom doesn’t mean giving up on your style—it means elevating it to a whole new level! If you’re a trendy mom looking for fashion inspiration that combines comfort, practicality, and chicness, then this blog post is for you. We’ve curated a list of fashion-forward influencers who are not just redefining mom-style but also proving that motherhood and fashion can go hand in hand. Say hello to your new style muses!

Chrissy Teigen

As a model, cookbook author, and mom of two, Chrissy Teigen effortlessly blends glamour with everyday mom life. Her Instagram is a treasure trove of stylish outfits, from red carpet gowns to cozy loungewear.

Eva Chen

Eva Chen, director of fashion partnerships at Instagram, is the ultimate cool mom. Her colorful and playful style, often featuring her adorable kids, is a breath of fresh air in the fashion world.

Giovanna Engelbert

Giovanna Engelbert is a fashion editor and mom with an eccentric, eclectic style that’s both daring and delightful. She’s not afraid to mix patterns, textures, and colors, showing that fashion should be fun!

Aimee Song

Aimee Song is a fashion and interior design maven, and her Instagram showcases her journey as a new mom. Her effortlessly chic style is perfect for fashion-forward moms who appreciate versatility.

Tanesha Awasthi

Tanesha Awasthi is a mom, author, and body positivity advocate. Her style is all about embracing curves and feeling confident, making her a must-follow for moms of all sizes.

Leandra Medine Cohen

Leandra Medine Cohen, founder of Man Repeller, is known for her quirky, unconventional style. She embraces motherhood with her distinctive fashion sense, proving that moms can be fashion rebels too!

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