How to Organize Your Kitchen Before a Big Trip

If you’re heading on a long-term trip, then ensuring that your kitchen is organized and clear of any perishable foods is essential. After all, you won’t want to return to any bad stenches. Here are some guidelines to help you organize your kitchen before a big trip.

Start With the Fridge

As the home of most of your perishables, the fridge is an ideal place to start your cleanout. Make sure to toss out all the food and drinks in the fridge so that you don’t come home to any mold or unwanted stenches. Check any meal prep containers so that you don’t leave anything behind. Still, anything in a sealed bottle or container with a far expiry date should be fine to keep.

Extension Cords

Make sure to unplug extension cords or power outlets that lack surge protectors. This is because if there is bad weather such as lightning or storms, a jolt of electricity can shock your house and potentially ignite a fire. Also consider unplugging appliances you don’t need in order to save on your energy bill.

Throw Out the Garbage

Just before you go, make sure to take out the garbage. While a seemingly menial task, forgetting to do so can result in a wretched stench by the time you return home.

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