Keychains are a great invention. They make our keys much bigger and nosier which is perfect for people who are prone to losing important items such as keys. They’re also an easy way to show off some personal style. In addition, you can attach so many accessories to them which can range from fun novelty pieces to seriously useful items. Here are some ideas for keychain accessories that will be of great use to you.
A Bottle Opener
There’s nothing worse than buying a nice drink from a store or heading to a park with some friends and some beers, only to realize you have no way of opening the bottles. While many people have methods for this, they’re often not too safe. Having a bottle opener on your keychain will mean you’re always prepared.
A Flashlight
Having a torch on you at all times might sound a bit over the top and often torches can be a bit bulky. However, the times when you are caught out and need a light, having a little torch keychain accessory is ideal. It will be a lifesaver if you end up staying out later than planned and are trying to find your door lock.
A Pen
Some people are super organized and carry pens with them, but for many people, this isn’t something they do. Quite often you may find yourself wishing you had a pen, and one attached to your keys is a great solution.