As you go about tidying up your home and removing clutter, plastic bins can go a long way in helping you transform your home. After all, they’re an easy way to stow away items that would otherwise clutter your home. Still, it’s important to know that there are some items that are best not stored in plastic bins.
From leather bags to belts and other accessories and clothing, it’s best to avoid storing leather in plastic bins. This is because the plastic can stick to and ultimately damage the leather. Furthermore, if moisture gets trapped in the leather, it can cause the leather to crack.
If your plastic bin is stored in an attic or basement where there are temperature or moisture fluctuations then this could damage the wiring in your electronic equipment. If you do decide to store electronics in plastic containers, make sure they are out of sight from any moisture and perhaps line the containers with silica gel packets.
Important Documents
From exposure to moisture to powerful rays of sunlight, plastic bins can result in your documents getting faded. Rather, store them in fabric, canvas, or wood containers.