Get Your Home Winter-Ready With These Tips

Winter is a season that requires a lot of prep. Not only do we have to ensure that our immune systems are ready for the cold weather, but our homes, too. Doing these little things will keep your costs down, your house safe, and, most importantly, keep you warm during the cold months!

Get Guttering

Falling leaves can clog up your gutters which can cause water damage both outside and inside your home. The easiest way to clean them out is by using a spaghetti ladel. The spoon will collect the leaves and allow the water to drain through the holes.

Filtering the Filter

If you’re finding that your heating bill is super high, have you checked your filters? Furnaces have filters that should be changed once a month. Doing so can reduce costs by 15%!

Stop the Source

Winter is the time to turn off the outdoor water sources and bring in your hosepipes. Shut off the main water source, remove the hose, and drain any remaining water to prevent a nasty burst pipe. It’s also important to drain the hose. Drape the pipe over your car and let all the moisture drain out. 

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