3 Amazing Tips To Treat Cystic Acne

Cystic acne can be a real pain in the butt and hard to get rid of. Where normal acne can simply be treated with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, fighting cystic acne can be way more challenging. Many people spend decades finding the right treatment for their cystic acne and when they do, some even share their excitement on the internet to help others in desperate need.

On Reddit, for example, there are dozens of tips and tricks shared by users who suffer from acne. We’ve made a selection of three of those tips so you could try them out for yourself. Remember, these tips were shared by Reddit-users, who are not dermatologists. Therefore, use these tips at your own risk.

Reddit-user bangerrang2010 recommends using Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion every other day, but only on the cystic zits themselves. “Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion was the holy grail for my cystic acne! I used it at night; shake the bottle really well, put it only where you have the cysts (I just put it on with clean hands/fingertips), let it dry, then apply moisturizer on top. I only used it every other day because it can be so drying, but my cysts that usually lasted for months would be gone in about a week,” bangerang2010 advised.

Another user who now has deleted their profile suggested using Vaseline. Even though it is known that Vaseline could actually make your acne worse, this user was very pleased with the results it had on their cystic acne. “Just wanted to sing my praises for Vaseline for acne on my chin. I was pretty nervous about trying it, since it could lead to more breakouts, but my skin is so soothed. I actually stayed home from work yesterday to let my skin rest (that’s how bad the breakout was) and kept Vaseline on my large pimple that had popped on its own and scabbed over. I slathered my entire chin last night as well (I have several other pimples), and this morning, it’s healed to a point that would normally take days,” the user said about using Vaseline.

The last tip we’d like to share is this great one by a user named gotohela. This one might not actually attack the problem on a deeper level, but it helps to get your self-esteem back on track. This user gives the readers of their post an excellent tip on how to cover your big red friends: “For my under-the-skin pimples, I find that applying a bit of BP [benzoyl peroxide] gel, letting it dry, and then covering with a hydrocolloid bandage helps. I don’t think it really does anything specific (other than the BP killing germs!), but I think the isolated, sterile environment from the patch helps cuts irritation and swelling, and also keeps my grubby hands off of them!” 

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