5 Dating Terms We’re Hearing Everywhere Right Now

From ghosting to gaslighting, so many new dating terms pop up every day that it’s becoming difficult to keep track. Some of them are so common that they became a part of our regular vocabulary, while others require an explanation—including these few increasingly popular dating terms.


As people become more socially aware, woke-fishing is becoming more common and it’s all about pretending you’re more progressive than you actually are to appeal to a potential partner.


You know that feeling when your ex is watching and even reacting to your Instagram stories, but has no attention to talk to you? You’re not alone, and this dating trend is actually known as “orbiting”.


Slow-fading isn’t as bad as ghosting, but it comes close. It happens when a person slowly and gradually fades out of a relationship, instead of having a direct and honest conversation about ending things.


Cushioning is another dating trend that we’d be better off without, and it basically entails chatting with other people while dating someone else, so you can have a second option if your relationship falls apart.


Colder days are upon us and so is the “cuffing” season. The main idea behind this trend is that single people who aren’t normally into committed relationships try to settle down and find a cuddle buddy for the winter months.

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