If you’re looking for a way to feed your wanderlust even when you don’t have time on your hands for an actual vacation, day trips will get you there. We’re here to help you plan a perfect day trip, and avoiding these five common mistakes is a good place to start.
Distant Destination
When planning a day trip, it’s always best to pick a destination that’s not too far away from home. The faster you reach it, the more time you’ll have to enjoy exploring it, so stick to destinations that you can easily reach in two to three hours.
Late Start
To reach your destination in time, you’ll have to have an early start. It’s best to hit the road early in the morning so you’ll have as much time as possible at your destination.
No Planning
Being spontaneous is all fun and games, but it won’t always work when it comes to day trips. Your time will be pretty limited, so it’s best to know what you want to do in advance.
Ignoring Weather Forecast
Bad weather can turn your day trip into a disaster, so it’s important to check the forecast in advance and come prepared for the weather conditions at your destination of choice.
Food Talk
Day trips require a lot of energy, so it’s best to be full before hitting the road. Don’t skip breakfast and pack enough snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day.