5 Best Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

They say that the comparison is the thief of joy—and truer words have never been spoken. Comparing yourself to others will only prevent you from becoming your most authentic self, and here are five things you can do to break the comparison cycle and never look back.

Identify Your Triggers

If constant comparison is having a negative impact on your mental health, put some effort into identifying your triggers and figuring out why you’re constantly trying to measure up to other people.

Social Media Break

Social media can create the illusion that everyone else’s life is better than yours. Comparing your lowest moments to someone else’s highlight reel won’t do you any good, so try to change your relationship with social media or take a break.

Practice Self-Care

Practicing self-care is extremely important when you’re feeling low. Focus on things that bring you joy, and consider starting a gratitude journal that will boost your mood and self-esteem.

Celebrate Your Strengths

Celebrating your strengths can help you gain back your confidence. Try to focus on your strengths, talents, and accomplishments instead of fixating on flaws that make you feel small and unworthy.

Compete With Yourself

The only person you should be competing with is yourself. Comparing yourself to others won’t get you far, and it’s a better idea to focus on your own goals and the ways you can achieve them.

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