Your Gift Guide for Graduates

It’s that time of year again—students young and old are wrapping up their final projects, preparing for exams, and saying goodbye to friends and teachers with whom they’ve spent the past year learning. For some, this means moving on to the next grade in school or semester of college, but for others, it marks a bittersweet end and the start of a new life chapter. We’re talking, of course, about graduation, a milestone that often brings feelings of both nervousness and excitement. If someone you love is graduating this year, surprising them with a meaningful gift is a great way to show your love and support. Here are some ideas any graduate is sure to love.


Graduation tends to bring with it a lot of big life changes, and often these changes involve moving to a new location. Whether they’re leaving home for the first time or starting a job in an unfamiliar city, your graduate will need the right luggage. A quality suitcase, or even a nice backpack, can help them get where they need to go.


If you’re looking for an affordable, yet meaningful graduation gift, you can’t go wrong with a good book. Books have the power to inspire, entertain, and provide valuable lessons that your graduate can keep wherever life takes them. Try a classic such as Dr. Seuss’ Oh, the Places You’ll Go! or Whatever You Are, Be a Good One: 100 Inspirational Quotations Hand-Lettered by Lisa Congdon.

Reminders of Home

Dorothy said it best, there’s no place like home. If your graduate is heading off to college or taking the first steps of their career far away, taking a little piece of home with them can be a huge comfort. Consider a framed photograph, hometown banner, or piece of jewelry engraved with their hometown coordinates.

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