How to Organize Your Beauty Collection

Between makeup, skincare, haircare, and more, we often feel that our beauty collections have taken on a life of their own. It can be a challenge to keep everything organized when your products start piling up, but keeping everything in order is both visually appealing and allows for easy access to your favorite products. If you’re looking for some organization strategies that can help you make the most of your beauty routine, here are some of our best tips. 

Categorize By Product Type

Create categories based on common characteristics such as skincare, makeup, haircare, and tools. Within each category, further sort products by type or purpose, for example, cleansers, lipsticks, and brushes. Utilize containers and drawer organizers to keep each category separated and easily accessible. Add labels to save time when searching for specific items.

Declutter Regularly

Regularly decluttering is essential for keeping anything organized, and this includes your beauty collection. Begin by checking expiration dates on skincare and makeup, then dispose of any that have exceeded their shelf life. Consider passing any gently used products that you no longer want onto friends or family who may need them. 

Optimize Storage Solutions

Invest in practical storage solutions that suit your space. Transparent storage containers or clear acrylic organizers are great options as they allow you to easily see and access your products. Utilize wall-mounted shelves or magnetic boards to maximize vertical space. Consider using drawer dividers to separate smaller items like eyeshadows or lipsticks.

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