How to Get Out of a Rut

As the winter continues to prevail, it can sometimes feel difficult to feel motivated or joyful regularly. Feeling yourself falling into a rut is frustrating, but there are lots of things you can do to help pull yourself out of it. Here are our top tips to get out of a rut.

Move Your Body

Falling into a rut is the perfect excuse to stay in bed and watch Netflix, but it’s actually exactly the opposite of what your body needs! Moving your body in some way, whether it’s walking, stretching, or doing a workout class can really help get positive hormones flooding through your body. 

Make a Daily Schedule (and Stick to It!)

Another thing that can become difficult when you’re in a rut is sticking to your goals. It can help to write down a daily schedule or to-do list, so that you can focus on one thing at a time, rather than seeing an overwhelming day ahead. Make sure you hold yourself accountable for sticking to it.

Share How You Feel With a Loved One

Whenever you are feeling down, it’s always a good idea to speak to someone you trust and feel safe with about it. Knowing that you’re not alone can do wonders for your mental health, and the people who care about you may be able to support you in ways you didn’t think of.

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