Josh D

Josh claims to be the New York Knicks’ number one fan. When he’s not writing, he spends his time cheering the team on from the sidelines.

New Relationship, New You: The Things You Learn When Youve Fallen in Love

New relationships mean a whole lot of firsts. First kiss, first sleepover - you get it. You might not realize it in the beginning, but it is also the first time you will learn a few unique things about yourself. A new boyfriend or girlfriend means adding a new element to your life that will inevitably highlight certain things about yourself. So pay attention!

The Tote That Will Make Your Life Much Easier

Let's face it, ladies, the modern women has a very busy day. We begin it very early, have a bunch of stuff to do every minute of the day, and we need different items to be at our reach at every part of the day.

Amazing Advice For Dating In Your 40s

Dating in your 40’s might seem light a daunting experience, but there are a few things you can take into account that will make everything seem much easier, and maybe even enjoyable.