Keep This in Mind When Packing for a Trip

Let’s say you’ve just scheduled a trip and now you’re trying to figure out what to pack. Congratulations, you’re about to embark on a series of unnecessary panicked thoughts, where you can’t decide which pair of jeans you truly identify with when you’re on the road. If you’re the kind to needlessly worry about what to pack before traveling, here’s one small tip that’ll save the day.

Leave Some Room

We’re not saying that this will completely alleviate your stress, but it’ll harness a mindset within you that may help. By leaving a little bit of space in your suitcase, you’re embracing a certain mindset. A mindset that it’s not so much about the clothes you’re bringing, but rather about the clothes you’ll be bringing back.

When you leave room in your suitcase for clothes that you may buy when you reach your destination, you’ll stop fretting so much over the random items that you think you’re supposed to bring. Traveling is supposed to be fun after all, and you’re about to have the adventure of a lifetime—so act like it! Psychologically and emotionally, leaving space in your bag also, in a way, leaves symbolic “space” in your mind to let go of things you may not have been able to let go of before.

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