Eva Longoria Shares Her Secrets to Remaining Youthful

Between starring in blockbuster TV shows and films and caring for her son, Eva Longoria makes sure to prioritize self-care in order to remain upbeat and energetic. Here are some effective habits that Longoria has picked up to remain vibrant and youthful.

Mix Up the Workouts

In order to keep things interesting and remain motivated, Longoria likes to mix up her workout routine. “I do a lot. I’m a runner, I do yoga, I do pilates, I do SoulCycle and I’m just constantly mixing it up,” the actress revealed.

Get Enough Sleep

When it comes to building up energy to face the day, getting enough sleep is essential. Longoria explained: “I’m a runner, so I usually get up at seven — it depends because I always get eight hours of sleep.”

Meditate And Pray

Longoria explained that meditation and praying multiple times per week help to keep her calm and reflect on important things in her life. “Meditating is hard. It’s not hard to do, but it’s hard finding the time,” Longoria explained before adding, “I’m pretty spiritual and religious, so if you pray that’s also a form of meditation. It’s focusing your mind on a higher power.”

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